Useful telephone numbers listed in alphabetical order.
If you know of any other useful numbers to include please email
Age Concern Northwest Cumbria 01946 66669
Allerdale Borough Council 01900 702702
Allerdale council (out of hours emergencies) 01900 817080
Allerdale CAB 01900 604735
Allerdale Disability Association 0845 1299954
Allonby Post Office 01900 881333
Allonby Primary School 01900 881324
Allonby Tearoom 01900 881309
Baywatch Hotel 01900 881088
Carlisle CAB 01228 633909
Carlisle City Council 01228 817000
Childline: 0800 1111
Copeland Borough Council 01946 852585
Copeland council (out of hours emergencies) 01946 815500
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Cuedoc 01228 401999
Cumbria County Council 01228 606060
Cumbria CVS, Carlisle 01228 512513
Cumbria CVS, West 01900 819191
Cumbria Police 0845 33 00 247
Emergency Dental Service 01228 603620
Floodline 24 hrs 0345 988 1188
Environment Agency 0800 807060
Help the Aged 0808 800565
Housing - Allerdale Borough Council 0303 123 1702
Low flying complaints 01768 891391
Mail Preference Service 0845 703 4599
National Drugs Helpline: 0800 77 66 00
Neighbourhood Development 01900 325011
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Postcodes 0845 111222
Road flooding and blocked road drains 0300 303 2992
RSPCA Carlisle 01228 512893
Spring Lea Leisure Centre 01900 881331
St John Ambulance Cumbria 01228 528684
St John Ambulance (out of hours emergencies) 07699 733965
Street Lights 0300 303 2992
Telephone Preference Service 0207 291 3320
The Codfather 01900 881436
The Samaritans: 08457 909090
The Ship Hotel 01900 881017 / 01900 878188
Trading Standards 01900 325980
Twentyman's 01900 881247
United Utilities 0845 746 2200
Weatherline (Lake District weather) 0844 846 2444
West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven 01946 693181